These Pets Are Not Fans Of Visiting The Vet
If you own a pet you're probably well aware of the real-life struggle that comes with taking your furry friend to the vet's office. They love going to the vets as much as humans enjoy a visit to the doctor.
These furry friends remind us that even the biggest dogs and bravest of cats can freak out when it's time for that faithful vet office visit. Some will pull at your heartstrings while others will leave you laughing out loud. These pet owners captured the moment they arrived at the vet's office or told their pets where they were headed.
I'll Get Even With You Hooman!

Most of the pets on our list were either scared or hiding in funny spots up until this point. This dog won us over by flashing a very obvious disapproving look to their own. They know they are going to the vet and they are NOT happy about the situation, to say the least.
If our dog looked this angrily at us we would probably turn the car around and give them the win, at least until we could trick them on another day.
That Look Of Absolute Betrayal

Can you imagine being a dog and driving past numerous open fields and donut shops, taking in the sights and smells, only to be told you're on the way to the vet? This dog's owner snapped a photo just as they told them the final destination for their trip.
This dog's expression pretty much sums up our human equivalent of being told we're going somewhere we don't want to go — like the dentist, or IHOP.
"Why Would You Do This To Me?"

The look of absolute betrayal on this dog's face sums up the entire essence of our list. They know where they are headed, they don't like where they are going, and they aren't afraid to show off their disappointment.
One of the hardest parts of dog or cat ownership is realizing they are putting all their feelings out there for you to see and they don't care that you feel bad about something that is helping them in the long run.
I'm Part Of You Now

Sure this pet isn't about to escape the clutches of that "evil" vet they have to see in a few minutes but they're going to try their hardest to avoid anything that's about to happen.
If you've never experienced the joys of your pet clawing their way under your clothes count yourself lucky and avoid this situation the next time you need to take your furry family member to the vet's office.
A Big Fluffy Hug At The Vet's Office

This dog went viral after they decide a trip to the vet's office was too much to handle. We have to applaud the big dog for finding their way into their owner's arms and give this guy credit for gripping their oversized pooch so they wouldn't get hurt.
If you're a pet owner you know that any sized animal from any species has the ability to get clingy in the vet's office whether it's their first for fiftieth trip to see their doctor.
We Almost Couldn't Find This Cat In The Photo!

Given the fact that cat's, much like their bigger wild counterparts, are excellent hunters who can snatch a flying bird out of the sky or sneak up on a bunny rabbit, we don't understand why they are so bad at hiding in the vet's office.
This "sink cat" could have easily kept their head down to avoid detection but instead, they peered over the edge of the sink. They were going to be found either way but this was just a sad toddler-style attempt at hiding.
If You Can't See Me, You Can't Take Me To The Vets

This is just more proof that our furry four-legged friends are just like human toddlers. The old "if you can't see my face you can't see me" trick, isn't fooling anyone. Object permanence is definitely a think in young human's but we don't know if it holds true for our furry friend's as well.
Either way, this dog actually believed they were doing a great job of hiding when their owner told them they had to see the veterinarian.
Good Luck Trying To Reach Me!

A common sight for any cat owner is getting to the vet's and then seeing your cat huddled in the back of their cat carrier with the hope that you won't be able to reach far enough into their crate to release them.
Perhaps this is why cat carriers often have top's that can be opened up to remove your scare feline friend. This cat managed to impressive squish themselves into the back of their cat carrier to make their retrieval just a little bit more difficult.
The Two-Headed Beast

Two puppers hiding at the same time under the same chair. These dogs are either feeding off of each other's fears or they both had bad past experiences at the vet's office and they are over it.
Either way, they look like an adorable two-headed beast that is rearing its heads out from under the chair to check out its surroundings. Coaxing one dog out of hiding is hard enough so we feel bad for the owner, the vet, and the dogs in this situation.
Just Take Me Out WIth the Trash, Please

In our experience cat's prefer to keep themselves clean at all times. When your feline friend jumps in the garbage can instead of meeting with the pet doctor you know they really don't like visiting the vet's office.
This cat may have found an effective hiding spot for a few seconds but there aren't many places they can disappear to in the vet's office so their great hiding spot was surely short lived.
Read The Sign. Ignore The Cat

This cat doesn't exist, there's nothing to see here but this sign. We've always thought of cat at the smarter of the two species but our examination of moments at the vet's office is making us rethink their intelligence compared to their dog counterparts.
This cat was 100% convinced that hiding behind this sign was going to keep them away from a vet inspection but they didn't fool anyone. Maybe if though if they stayed real still nobody would nothing where they were hiding? Cats have become way too domesticated.
Always Bring A Friend Along

These dogs have obviously hit the moment when they realized they're going to the vet. At least they have each other to lean on for emotional support. Even these puppers know that the buddy system can fix any problem.
Needles and vet exams might last an hour, but friendship is forever. If we were the owners of these dogs, we'd turn the car around and take them to the park instead. Stay strong, pups! You can do it!
I Will End You If You Don't Turn This Car Around

This pet owner was taking their cat to the vet's office when they managed to capture this hilarious and accurate photo of a pet's journey to the veterinarian. We're going to be bluntly honest for a moment and just let everyone know we're usually afraid of our cats so this photo really struck a cord.
This cat's expression screams, "turn this car around right now or I'm going to end you, hooman."
It's Important To Understand Your Feline Health

Going to the vet for a cat is like going to your annual check-up at the doctor's office. Yes, I understand that I've gained a little too much weight but you don't need to rub it in.
This poor kitty had to have his owner explain the cat obesity chart to him. By the look on its face, the cat is at least taking his health seriously. Time to cut back on the catnip and increase that cardio.
Just Try To Blend In...

Another cat in a hiding spot that isn't fooling anyone? If you've ever wondered why you barely ever see your cat inside your own home, it's likely because they have better hiding spots and want to be left alone.
This cat tried their hardest to avoid actually seeing the vet but in the end, they didn't fool anyone but ended up looking very foolish in their attempt to hide. Nice try kitty but how are you going to get out of this one?
Put Me Down Right Now Human!

Not all giant dogs run into their owner's arms willingly after realizing they are at the vet's office. Some dogs are so scared to even enter the building that they need to be carried by their owner.
This dog likely felt a little bit betrayed that they were once again visiting the vet's office. If you've ever attempted to pry your pet out of the car at the vet's office you understand what this guy must have been going through.
The Side Eye...

If you've ever been given the side eye by a human you know how effective it can be in conveying a certain type of emotion. It turns out the side eye is also effective when a dog gives it to their owner.
We don't know if this car got turned around but we're willing to bet the dog made it to their vet visit and then protested the entire time they were in the office.
I Need A Human Hug

One of the most common sights at a vets office is a cat or dog gripped closely to their owner's side while they wait for their name to be called. It doesn't matter how big the dog is, they will find a way to be comforted.
This big guy wasn't afraid to jump into their owner's arms, even if they were nearly the same size. And look at the face on this brave little guy? All the feels achieved!
I Bet You Can't Find Me

There aren't many hiding spots in a veterinarian's office so we have to give extra points to this furry friend for seeking out the only hiding place they could find. The brown cat on the brown wall did very little in terms of camouflage.
We do appreciate this cat's attempt to hide some of the glossy silver of the sink faucet with their hands but let's be honest, they aren't fooling anyone. Nice try, but try again.
The Old Kitchen Sink Routine Is A Complete Failure

This cat wins some bonus points for looking like a crocodile that's sticking it's snout and eyes out of the water in the hunt for a meal. The old cat in the kitchen sink routine is one that never fails to make us laugh.
This cat just better hope their owner didn't bring them to the vet's office for any type of procedure that requires them to be washed before they proceed any further.
Where Did The Cat Go?

Maybe vet's should create better hiding places for cat's just so they don't have to suffer through the indignity of trying to bury their head in any small area they can find on the vet's desk.
This cat even has a look on their face to match the obvious hiding spot they attempted to uncover before the veterinarian could come into the office and perform whatever checkup was necessary at the time.
That Adorable Look Of Betrayal

If you own a cat or dog and you've had to take them to the vet you're probably well aware of the absolute look of betrayal they are willing to throw your way once you arrive.
Sometimes this look is absolutely warranted, for example, when you coax them into the car with a treat, promise them a fun car ride, and then you walk them into the vets office without any warning.
Sink Sanctuary

Curiosity might not kill the cat in this situation but it definitely makes them easier to find when they go into sink hiding mode. Maybe we're looking at this all wrong and cats just find comfort in curling up inside of sinks before they have to see their veterinarian.
You would think after a few visits to the vet's office these feline friends of ours would start to realize the sink is a horrible hiding spot.
This Dog And His Look. OMG.

Our editorial team sat around trying to figure out if this dog was disgusting, shocked, angry, or confused. The look on their face is so human-like that it's honestly a bit confusing and hilarious at the same time.
Taken right after they were told it was time to visit the vet's, this owner managed to perfectly capture their dog's reaction while leaving us all a little bit confused about the dog's feelings about the entire situation.
All The Hiding Spots!

We take back what we said before, apparently, there is more than one place to hide in a veterinarian's office as they two cats proved while taking up any additional space that could have been used for storage.
It's not clear if they were feeding off of each other's fears or if cats just have an innate desire to hide in new places but either way they were not happy about going to the vet's office.
Watch Me Escape!

Looking at this dog's attempt to escape from the vet's office almost has us believing that they can liquify themselves to the point that they'll fit through the bars of their cage and make their way to freedom.
We're actually impressed that this dog managed to get that much of their snout through the cage and we're equally impressed that they look for adorably funny trying to do something so absurd.
Puppies Don't Appreciate The Vet's Office Either

A lot of the animals we've featured have obviously been to the vet's office before and upon realizing where they are going they throw a fit or hide. It turns out that even first-time visitors are not fans of going to the vets either.
This puppy might not be a vet's office veteran but they obviously don't appreciate standing in a sterile room on a shiny table. Sure it breaks our heart to see this but we also realize the vet helps keep them healthy so they can live a long and happy life in their forever home.
Adorable And Healthy

Cute puppy alert! A healthy weight is essential for ensuring a happy life and this little puppy seems a bit scared and confused about the strange device they are being forced to sit on. Dog's have evolved to give their owner's adorable looks and this little guy is no exception.
If you've ever taken your puppy to the vet's office for the first time you're probably all too familiar with having to sit and watch as they give you those big, sad, puppy dog eyes. Poor little puppy.
We're Starting To Think Vet's Office Sinks Are Just Waiting Areas For Cats

The more we think about cat's hiding in vet's office sinks the more we're starting to think that these areas are specifically designed to give our feline friends a waiting area for the vet to arrive and perform any necessary check-ups, shots, etc.
Think about it for a moment, when was the last time you actually saw the vet use the sink to wash their hands or perform any other tasks when your pet was in the room.
Those Eyes!

When a full-grown German Shepard doesn't want to be at the vet's office they can almost immediately transform themselves into a puppy, at least in terms of the look they will shoot your way to let you know they are not happy with the current situation you've put them in.
This big boy wasn't afraid to allow his evolutionary traits to shine through as he attempted to guilt-trip his owner into realizing he just wants to go home. Poor "puppy" dog.
Is It The Vet's Office Or That Bandana

We're actually not sure if this dog is angry that they are at the vet's office or it's the fact that their owner put them in a bandana that features a bunch of hungry cows. Either way, the look on their face screams, "I'm gonna get even with you."
It could also be the fact that this puppy is sitting on a chair that is clearly too small for them. Either way, we love the expression their giving their owner.
If I Lay Real Still I'm Invicible

At least our dog friends on this list give us some different looks and attempt to find unique ways to hide from the vet or beg for a ride home before they have to be examined by a professional.
Cats seem more than content to hide in the sink and hope they are somehow looked over. Sadly for our feline friends, vet office sinks are almost all stainless steel which makes it harder to blend in with their surroundings. This is definitely an act of depression.
You Promised Me A Trip To PetCo

The moment our furry friends are placed on top of a large stainless steel table we can almost instantaneously watch their expressions change from happy go lucky to sad and betrayed.
This puppy gives us a good glimpse into the reality of their situation.With those big puppy dog eyes staring back at us it's hard to hot grab our four-legged friends and run out the door faster than they can bark out for help.
Their Not Falling For The Old Treat Trick

Even if you manage to trick your pet into making their way to the vet's office you still have to get them onto the examination table and many times that's the biggest part of the battle. A new or uncommon environment can send your pet into a spiral of fear you have to help them overcome.
This pet owner snapped a photo of the vet attempting to coax them out of their hiding spot using a treat. The dog isn't buying it and just wants to go home.
Hissy Kitty Is Not Happy With The Vet

I am kitten here me roar! In all fairness, we don't know if this little kitten is unhappy about being at the vet's office, unhappy about being placed on a sterile stainless steel table, or just unhappy in general. Whatever the case might be, this kitten is going to let their owner vocally know how they feel.
Bringing baby animals to the vet tears at our heartstrings perhaps more than other animals simply because they
Diet Visit?

Vets are really jacks of all trades, they not only give our animals their heartworm tests and vaccinations they also help set a balanced diet to make sure our animals don't become obese which can cause a bunch of health-related issues.
We would like to believe this cat was visiting the vet's office to get on a new diet and their attempt to hide only highlighted their need for a more lean meal plan.
Will You Hold My Hand?

We love this picture because it reminds us just how much our canine companions cherish us as owners. The dog is no-nonsense. He knows he has to go to the vet and he knows it is for his own good.
But he also isn't afraid to show that he's scared and wants a little comfort from his human. And honestly, there's nothing wrong with being scared, especially at a scary place like the vet so we feel for him. We could all use a paw to hold sometime.
This Dog Obviously Thinks It's A Cat

We've seen a lot of "sink" cats and cats in "hiding" on our list but this is the first time we've seen a dog act like our feline friends. This giant dog actually thought it could hide from the vet by burying a small part of its body inside a filing cabinet.
Sure, they aren't fooling anyone but we can't help but think this is actually a genius move that allows their owner to understand how much they disapprove of going to the vet's office.
Sorry Puppy That's Not How Camouflage Works

We get the feeling this dog has been on a few hunting expeditions with their owner and they've seen camouflage in action but never really understood how it works. This pet owner posted this photo shortly after they told their puppy they had an upcoming vet visit.
The puppy might not be as hidden as they would like but they've provided us with an adorable glimpse into the mind of a pet about to head off to the vet's office.
Car Shock!

If you manage not to let the beans spill that you are going to the vet your dog might jump right in for a car ride. It's sad to see how quickly their expression will change once you tell them you're going to the vets. Case in point, this car owner let their dog in on their dirty little secret a few minutes too late.
There's nothing sadder than seeing our pet realize they are going somewhere they hate but if it keeps them alive for many years to come, it's well worth this moment of nearly heartbreaking sadness.